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Carrots are believed to improve eyesight, especially during the dark. While carrots contain vitamins that are good for our overall health, this commonly-known belief is, in fact, false. But where and how was this myth conceived?

Where it All Started

Back in World War 2, the British Royal Air Force innovated a technology that aimed to help pilots take down the planes of their enemies at night. To keep this technology a secret, the Ministry of Food (now defunct) told everyone that it was because of carrots.

They had spread it on newspapers encouraging citizens to eat more of those and stop complaining about the rations.

The public believed this theory and ate so many carrots that their supply was reduced. Soon, the ministry launched the Dig for Victory campaign, to push citizens to grow their own vegetables and to substitute carrots in recipes that call for sugar.

Vitamin A and Eyesight

Vitamin A can allow us to see in low light because it helps the eye convert light. But eating more carrots is not the solution. Most studies focus on vitamin A or beta carotene supplements, not the vegetable itself. Besides, it can help improve your vision and delay impairment. However, this is not enough to give you the fabled ‘night vision’.


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